Privacy policy
Career Charge Counselling and Coaching ("Career Charge") does not store any user data such as name, phone number and/or email address, etc.
We will not otherwise sell, rent, lease or use any personal information you submit to our website, except:
in scoring your assessments, or
to inform you about new Career Charge options and services that are available to you.
Career Charge will not distribute or make available your test results or other information to any third party.
We reserve the right to change, modify, or amend this policy at any time and without advance notice. In addition, Career Charge reserves the right to release your personal information to protect our business, when we reasonably believe you to be in violation of our Terms of Use or if we reasonably believe you to have initiated or participated in any illegal activity, or you are disclosing intent to harm others or yourself. Career Charge may be obligated to release your personal information pursuant to judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants, or other orders.