Take Charge of Your Career
Cancellation Policy
Please read these terms and conditions carefully before booking. You should understand that by booking, you agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. 1. Your booking 1.1 To register you must complete the online registration. You will receive a confirmation upon completing the online registration process, if you have not received your booking confirmation within 24 hours, please contact CAREER CHARGE team at info@careercharge.ca. 1.2 By registering online you have agreed to accept these terms. A contract will exist as soon as CAREER CHARGE sends you a confirmation of registration. 1.3 Please check the details of your booking carefully and let CAREER CHARGE know if any information appears to be incorrect. You can update your details by emailing info@careercharge.ca 2. What is included? 2.1 Your booking includes participation in a virtual webinar or event. You will be able to submit your questions to the speakers in advance and at allocated times during the event. Some events include access to a digital platform, details will be shared with you 2-4 days before the event. When you first log in to the web portal, you will be asked to set your profile and privacy preferences. Choose which personal details to share with other attendees. 3. Content 3.1 The views expressed by the participants in this meeting are solely those of the participants concerned and they do not represent the official views or opinions of CAREER CHARGE. CAREER CHARGE and its officers, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the views and opinions expressed in this meeting or for any decision based on those views and opinions. 3.2 The presentation slides and video footage should not be reproduced in any form or in any means without the written permission of CAREER CHARGE. 4. Payment 4.1 Payment should be made in Canadian dollars 5. Changes/Cancellations 5.1 Cancellations or amendments must be made in writing to info@careercharge.ca 5.2 In the event that CAREER CHARGE has to cancel a webinar, attendees will receive a full refund 6. Photography 6.1 Attendees of webinars may be featured in videos, photographs and/or audio from events as part of its marketing campaigns. By attending an event, you grant us permission use video, photograph, and audio tape footage of you during the event.